Moving on to the exciting news for the day, Brett and I got to meet with Mojdeh Sakaki, Program Director for the Fashion Institute, and one of two students, Sandrine Kloepfer, who will be working on design ideas for Nivi. We are so excited to work with them!! And, are excited to meet Rachelle, the other student on the team. Mojdeh and Sandrine had great ideas for the skirts. We can't wait to see the final results! (Which, will be posted on our blog and website - so check back often.) In the meantime, we will likely get the benefit of several blog posts written directly by Mojdeh, Sandrine and Rachelle on their roles and some of the process in getting to the final designs. Other than just meeting with Mojdeh and Sandrine and seeing how talented they are, one of my favorite parts of the afternoon was just watching/hearing their reactions to Brett's whole purpose for the company. It's fun to be reminded of what an incredibly insightful idea Nivi is based on - and that it's already changing lives - both in India and the U.S.
Look forward to more posts on our partnership with the Fashion Institute, new designs, new fabrics, our photograpers and the people whose lives this is impacting.
Left to right: Brett, Mojdeh, Sandrine, Kristy
In the center: Dress designed by (and I understand, the winning piece) Sandrine, Rachelle and two other students for Sundance Film Festival's Locals Take Back! See it on the model at:
Wow! I'm excited to see design students get involved. Can't wait to see what they come up with!